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Bulk Ordering Information


How to Begin: 

Placing an order is very simple. Please fill out this form with your desired information to get added to the waitlist.



We use Island Grown Farmers Co-op (IGFC), located in Burlington, WA.  IGFC is USDA inspected butcher shop and hand processes all cutting and packing.  


Pick Up: 

Once your name comes to the top of our list, the main office will contact you to set up an appointment for pick up at 3 Sisters Market. Please make sure to be on time as we are limited on freezer space at 3 Sisters Market. 


There is no down payment, you pay at the time of pick up at 3 Sisters Market (CASH, VISA, MASTERCARD, AMERICAN EXPRESS, AND DISCOVER)



The meat is frozen and packaged per item with labels according to cut.


Commonly Asked Questions: 

​1. Are you Organic? We are not certified organic but do practice organic practices/processes.

2. Can we get all the offal of the animal? Please state on your special order if you want the following: Heart, Liver, or Tongue.



We DO NOT SELL THE FOLLOWING: Tripe, head, feet, blood, intestines and brains. 




And if you would like to learn more about how we raise our animals please visit:


Please note that with any bulk meat purchase there will be a savings of about $20-$30 with each order.


Keep in mind we are open daily with a wide variety of cuts available at 3 Sisters Market. 




HALVES: $5.75/LB

(400 lb avg, avg price $2,300.00)
Includes 10 Ribeye steaks, 8 tenderloin steak, 10 New York steaks, 8 top sirloin steaks, 2-4 Flat Iron steaks, 1 Flank steak, 1 Skirt steak, 4 Tri Tip steak, 6 London  Broil, 4 Chuck roasts, 2 Sirloin Tip roasts, 1 Bottom Round roast, 8 Stew meat pkgs, 6 Short Ribs pkgs, 2 Back Ribs pkg, 2 Brisket, 8 Soup bones pkgs. Ground beef, 120-140 lbs (1 lb packages). Liver and heart also available upon request.


(200 lb avg, avg price $1150.00)
Includes 5 Ribeye steaks, 4 tenderloin steak, 5 New York steaks, 4 top sirloin steaks, 1-2 Flat Iron steak, 3 London Broil, 2 Tri Tip steaks, 2 Chuck roasts, 1 Sirloin Tip roast, 1 Bottom Round roast, 4 Stew meat packages, 3 Short Ribs package, 1 Back Ribs pkgs, 1 Brisket, 4 Soup bones packages. Ground beef, 60-70lbs (1 lb packages). Liver and heart also available upon request.

* Above figures are hanging weight values and include custom cutting and wrapping.
        (After cut and wrap there will be loss of weight due to carcass and bones).

* Please remember the numbers of each item are estimates only, as the weight of each animal is different.

* You can customize orders with a purchase of a ½ or whole beef ONLY.


* All prices subject to change 





WHOLE: $4.75/LB

(260 lb avg, avg price $1235.00) 
Includes 2 pork tenderloin, 12-14 pkgs pork loin chops, 4-5 pork roasts, 30 lbs of breakfast sausage and 30lbs sweet Italian sausage (1 lb bulk pkgs), 8-10 pkgs county ribs, 2-4 spare ribs pkgs


HALVES: $4.75/LB

(130 lb avg, avg price $617.50)
Includes 1 pork tenderloin, 6-8 pkgs pork loin chops, 2-3 pork roasts, 15 lbs of breakfast sausage, 15lbs of sweet Italian sausage (1 lb bulk pkgs), 4-6 pkgs county ribs, 1-2 spare ribs pkgs

* Above figures are hanging weight values and include custom cutting and wrapping.
     (After cut and wrap there will be loss of weight due to carcass and bones)

* Please remember the numbers of each item are estimates only, as the weight of each animal is different. 

* All prices subject to change





WHOLE: $8.50/LB

(64 lb avg, avg price $544.00)
Includes 4-6, 1# packages ground lamb, 2 packages stew meat, 2 packages of shank (2 shank per package), 2 packages ribs, 2 leg roasts, 2 shoulder roasts, 2 racks and 8 packages chops (2 chops in each package)

HALF $8.50/LB

(32 lb avg, avg price $272.00)
Includes 2-3, 1# packages ground lamb, 1 packages stew meat, 1 package shank (2 shank per package), 1 package rib, 1 leg roast, 1 shoulder roast, 1 rack and 4 packages chops (2 chops in each package).


* Above figures are hanging weight values and include custom cutting and wrapping.

  (After cut and wrap there will be loss of weight due to carcass and bones)

* Please remember the numbers of each item are estimates only, as the weight of each animal is different. 

* All prices subject to change

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